4 Animal Protection Organizations in Greece

Zeil is one of most popular organizations in Greece. Each year they treat, nourish, inoculate, sterilize and promote for adoption approximately 200 stray animals.
Website: Zeil

SPAZ is a charity that operates in the southern suburbs of Athens, based in Glyfada. It is run entirely by volunteers, led by an executive committee, and most of our income is spent on neutering animals and providing emergency veterinary services.
Website: spazgreece

The charity’s objects are “the prevention and relief of cruelty and suffering amongst animals in Greece”.  They aim to achieve these principally through programmes of veterinary treatment, education and training, lobbying decision makers, and public awareness campaigns.
Website: gawf.org

GAR works to alleviate the suffering of animals in Greece by supporting a number of animal shelters, sterilising as many dogs & cats as funds allow and finding homes for the lucky few.
Website: greekanimalrescue


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